Medical Weight Loss Form

Are you in good health at the present time to the best of your knowledge?*
Are you under a doctor’s medical supervision at this time?*
Please list your current medications*
Please list your current supplements*
Medical History*
Please write your Present Weight, Height, Desired Weight*
When would you like to be at your desired weight?*
Why do you want to lose weight? (Health Benefit? Appearance?) Please explain thoroughly:*
When did you begin gaining weight?*
What do you believe caused your weight gain?*
What has been your maximum weight (non-pregnant) and when?*
Have you tried other weight loss programs? If yes which ones.*
How often do you eat out?*
What restaurants do you frequent?*
How often do you eat “fast foods”?*
Food allergies?*
Food dislikes?*
Food cravings?*
Do you eat because of emotions (explain)?*
Do you drink coffee or tea? If Yes, how much daily?*
Do you drink pop / soft drinks? If Yes, how much daily?*
Do you use sugar substitutes?*
What are your worst food habits?*
When there is increased stress in your life, do you tend to eat more?*
Describe your typical breakfast*
Describe your typical lunch*
Describe your typical dinner*
Describe your snack habits, how often, what foods?*
Describe your energy level*
Activity Level: (check one)*
On a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being MOST committed, how committed are you to taking action and making a change in your life today?*